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    • 01 Nov 2024
    • 12:00 AM
    • 30 Nov 2024
    • 11:59 PM
    • Self-Study

    Public Policy & Audiology

    November 1-30, 2024

    Members: $10

    Non-Members: $60

    Program materials will be distributed via email November 1, 2024

    This course identifies and describes current trends in the political and public policy landscape of relevance to audiology. The course further explores the making of public policy and the importance of advocacy in each stage of the public policymaking process. Finally, the course outlines ASHA’s approach to advocacy, ASHA’s annual Public Policy Agenda, and the work that ASHA undertakes in partnership with audiologists to advance the priorities of the profession.

    Susan Adams & Tim Boyd

    Learner Outcomes
    The participants will be able to:
    1. Identify trends in the current political and public landscape
    2. Define advocacy and its importance to audiologists
    3. Learn about the audiology advocacy objectives ASHA is undertaking to advance the priorities of the 2023 Public Policy Agenda

    Time-Ordered Agenda

    5 minutes Introduction
    40 minutes Current Trends in the Political & Public Policy Landscape
    20 minutes The Public Policy making process and Importance of Advocacy
    40 minutes ASHA Advocacy and Audiology Priorities
    15 minutes Questions & Discussion

    About the Presenters

    Susan Adams is the Director for State Legislative and Regulatory Affairs at ASHA. She is responsible for advancing the public policy objectives of ASHA by representing the Association in all phases of state legislative and regulatory advocacy. Susan received her bachelor’s degree in business administration from Towson University and her juris doctor from the University of Baltimore, School of Law. Susan holds the Certified Association Executive credential from the American Society of Association Executives.

    Tim Boyd has served as ASHA’s Director of State Health Care and Education Affairs since July 2019. Before joining ASHA, Tim worked on state policy for the National Organization for Rare Disorders and domestic policy for the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Tim earned his B.A. in Political Science from the University of California Santa Barbara and an M.P.H. from the George Washington University.

    Disclosure Statements

    Susan Adams
    Financial: Susan receives a salary as an employee of ASHA.
    Non-financial: No non-financial relationships exist.

    Tim Boyd
    Financial: Tim receives a salary as an employee of ASHA.
    Non-financial: No non-financial relationships exist.

    ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.

    Interested in sponsoring this event? Please consider partnering with us for this worthwhile experience. If you have any questions, contact our office at 781-647-7031 or by email at

    • 01 Dec 2024
    • 12:00 AM
    • 31 Dec 2024
    • 11:59 PM
    • Self-Study

    Working with LGBTQ+ Persons

    December 1-31, 2024

    Members: $10

    Non-Members: $60

    Program materials will be distributed via email December 1, 2024

    As LGBTQ+ civil rights and societal acceptance has expanded, continued dissemination of knowledge about the LGBTQ+ community remains critical to support colleagues, patients, and other stakeholders. This session will provide a basic introduction and resources for supporting LGBTQ+ identities.

    Following events in early 2020, our professional organizations have pledged to grow efforts related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. While we must continue to diversify the professionals we train and employ, we must also continue to learn how to support these diverse communities to ensure a supportive work environment. With the increased visibility and focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging it remains increasingly important for our professions to continue to provide equitable healthcare and an inclusive culture to diverse individuals, including those identifying in the LGBTQ+ community.

    With estimates of approximately 4.5% of the population, and rising, the LGBTQ+ community is a large and growing minoritized community (Gates, 2017). Despite increased representation, research has indicated that individuals and families identifying under the umbrella of LGBTQ+ are still underserved by healthcare providers, more likely to drop out of high school, and more likely to experience poorer health outcomes, when compared to their cisgender heterosexual counterparts (Palmer, et al. 2016). Additionally, with sources indicate that as many as 46 % of LGBTQ+ workers in the US are closeted (or kept secret) in the workplace (Fidas & Cooper, 2019), it is not unreasonable to expect, that we have colleagues who have felt uncomfortable expressing their authentic selves in the place where they spend majority of their work week.

    This presentation aims to dismantle misinformation surrounding LGBTQ+ identities, provide resources to better serve patients and support our LGBTQ+ colleagues while initiating conversations that center diverse perspectives (and people). As members of the LGBTQ+ community, we have the lived experience of receiving and providing healthcare. As providers we take a patient-centered approach to healthcare; this means we must consider all lived experiences. This also holds true when we are trying to promote a collegial environment where diversity and equity is at the forefront. By understanding our unique differences, as well as our similarities, we are better able to collaborate and engage as professionals, which ultimately better serves our patients and their loved ones. Through this introduction, professionals will be empowered to create more inclusive environments for LGBTQ+ identifying individuals, foster better comradery in our communities, and increase diverse perspectives that ultimately advance our profession.

    Henry Botzum, AuD, CCC-A
    Sarah Blizzard, EdD

    Learner Outcomes
    The participants will be able to:
    1. List two benefits and consequences of an LGBTQ+ individual coming out to a provider
    2. Demonstrate at least three ways SLP/AuD providers can create an affirming and welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ individuals
    3. Identify at least three factors to accessible care for LGBTQ+ individuals

    Time-Ordered Agenda

    5 minutes Introduction
    10 minutes LGBTQ+ identities (LGBTQ 101)
    30 minutes How to be an ally / LGBTQ+ healthcare specific considerations
    15 minutes Questions & Discussion

    About the Presenters


    Dr. Sarah Blizzard (she/they) is a passionate educator who has spent her career promoting intercultural and interpersonal dialogue as a way to understand and create inclusive and diverse communities. With BA and MA degrees in Communication Studies from UNC-Greensboro and an EdD in Higher Education from University of Denver, Dr. Blizzard has a unique approach to organizational change that highlights the importance of shared language and understanding. Currently, Sarah is enjoying creating Berkshire Community College's first multicultural center as well as freelancing as a certified life coach and organizational consultant.

    Henry Botzum (he/him), AuD, is a Regional Sales Manager for Widex USA. Dr. Botzum completed his Clinical Doctor of Audiology from the University of Memphis following a BA in Music Performance from Ohio University and MA in Music from the University of Northern Iowa. Prior to his work at Widex, Henry served as a clinical audiologist at Berkshire Medical Center in Western, MA. Henry is active in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion advocacy, serving on the DEIB and Membership committees for AAA.

    REMINDER: Please check both your personal and professional email address if you have not received a confirmation email prior to the event. In the past, some participants have forgotten which was used during registration and missed the program!

    Disclosure Statements

    Henry Botzum, AuD, CCC-A
    Financial: Henry receives salary as an employee of Widex, USA.
    Non-financial: Henry is a member of AAA (membership & DEI committees), ASHA, and MSHA (VP Clinical Practice).

    Sarah Blizzard, EdD
    Financial: Sarah receives a salary as an employee of Berkshire Community College.
    Non-financial: No non-financial relationships exist.

    ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.

    Interested in sponsoring this event? Please consider partnering with us for this worthwhile experience. If you have any questions, contact our office at 781-647-7031 or by email at

    • 01 Jan 2025
    • 12:00 AM
    • 31 Jan 2025
    • 11:59 PM
    • Self-Study

    Advanced Dysphagia Practice

    January 1-31, 2025

    Members: $40

    Non-Members: $100

    Program materials will be distributed via email January 1, 2025


    Part I:

    Tracheostomy Education for the Medical SLP: Navigation from Trauma to Transplant is a dive into the SLP world of tracheostomies from different etiologies and overall complexity. This lecture will briefly introduce two branches of tracheostomy placement as well as review similar components including use of speaking valve use, ventilator advanced knowledge and development for much needed Tracheostomy Teams. The lecture includes breakdown of SLP role within these populations, how treatment roles can differ based on population, dysphagia/communication deficits with a tracheostomy, overall speaking valve use, ventilator advanced knowledge, and introduction to tracheostomy team research. The vision for this lecture is to provide a niche view into these two vastly different populations whom share tracheostomy placement, typically managed by the SLP. The goal for this lecture is to feel more comfortable and to have a more in-depth understanding of tracheostomies so you can feel confident with any these patient populations.

    Part II:

    This 2-hour webinar provides an in-depth analysis of Lateral Medullary Syndrome (Wallenberg Syndrome) including discussion of the neurophysiological changes after lateral medullary infarct, the critical natural of early intervention and education, and the importance of incorporating motor learning principles when working with this population. All topics reviewed within this webinar are discussed in the context of a single case study in order to provide concrete examples of dysphagia characteristics, approaches to rehabilitation, and to highlight the importance of person-centered care when working with someone with severe dysphagia. Although this discussion focuses primarily on dysphagia rehabilitation, this webinar is intended for any SLP working with adults across the continuum of care.

    Rachael Silveira, M.A. CCC-SLP
    Madeleine Foley, CCC-SLP

    Learner Outcomes
    Part I:

    1. Participants will learn indications and etiology of both trauma and transplant related tracheostomies
    2. Participants will understand different thought processes and considerations associated with each population (trauma/transplant)
    3. Participants will recall benefits and considerations for a speaking value of both mechanically ventilated and non-ventilated patients regarding dysphagia and communication deficits.
    4. Participants will summarize basic dysphagia and communication deficits associated with tracheostomy related SLPs evaluation and treatment.
    5. Participants will be able to explain different mechanical ventilation modes, types and settings as well as determine patent's candidacy for speaking valve use on a ventilator.
    6. Participants will understand the foundation and research behind developing a tracheostomy team for both populations.

    Part II:

    1. Participants will be able to describe the importance of the medulla as it pertains to swallowing.
    2. Participants will be able to list 3 features of Wallenberg Syndrome.
    3. Participants will be able to define motor learning in the context of dysphagia therapy.
    4. Participants will be able to list 3 methods for promoting experience-dependent plasticity/neuroplasticity for patients with Wallenberg Syndrome.

    Time-Ordered Agenda
    Part I: Tracheostomy for the Medical SLP - Navigation from Trauma to Transplant

    9:00-9:05 am: Introduction

    9:05-9:09 am: Trauma SLP/type of population

    9:09-9:13 am: Transplant SLP/type of population

    9:13-9:16 am: Indications for tracheostomy

    9:16-9:21 am: Dysphagia associated with trach

    9:21-9:26 am: Dysphagia research/considerations trauma

    9:26-9:31 am: Dysphagia research/considerations transplants

    9:31-9:36 am: Communication associated with trachs

    9:36-9:44 am: Passy Muir Valve/Considerations/Research

    9:44-9:45 am: Familiarize yourself with ventilators

    9:45-9:50 am: Ventilator Basics and modes

    9:50-10:05 am: Introduction to modes: AC/VC, SIMV, Spontaneous

    10:05-10:15 am: Pertinent Ventilator Settings

    10:15-10:23 am: Inline PMV basics/application

    10:23-10:28 am: Trach Team purpose/outcomes

    10:28-10:30 am: Why start a team?

    10:30-10:38 am: Inconsistencies in care

    10:38-10:46 am: Research- Communication/decannulation/LOS

    10:46-10:56 am: Team members/SLP involvement

    10:56-10:58 am: Challenges

    10:58-11:00 am: References/Questions

    Part II: Prioritizing Neuromuscular Re-Education with Wallenberg Syndrome

    11:00-11:10 am: Objectives and Introductions

    11:10-11:15 am: Meet Tim

    11:15-11:45 am: What is Wallenberg Syndrome?

    11:45-12:20 pm: Dysphagia Rehabilitation: What it Is, What it Isn't

    12:20-12:45 pm: Neuromuscular Re-Education: Promoting Functional Practice

    12:45-1:00 pm: Questions

    About the Presenters

    Rachael Silveira is an ASHA licensed/credentialed Speech-Language Pathologist currently working at a Level 1 Trauma/Transplant Hospital in Miami specializing in dysphagia and communication disorders, with diverse training in dysphagia management associated with respiratory compromised/artificial airways and medically complex neurogenic populations.

    Rachael strives to be a lifelong student by earning yearly ACE (awards of continuing education) recognition and continually supporting the SLP community by providing clinical mentorship as well as providing supposed for Medical SLP platforms to promote continued growth for SLPs. Rachael has made patient advocacy and improving overall patient quality of life a personal mission and goal. She has spearheaded a robust multidisciplinary Tracheostomy Team in her facility with a mission of providing exceptional care to the population by utilizing standardized protocols to streamline care, now being spread to multiple facilities for implementation. In addition, Rachael has curated multiple avenues for education for SLPs, including a "Badge Buddy Series" and an open collaborative called TRACHtalks, for promoting tracheostomy evidence-based research in an accessible manner.

    As our field is growing rapidly, Rachael focuses on continued efforts to improve medical SLP education with ongoing participation in national and international conference lectures, active IRB research, and guest lectures to multiple universities and hospitals.

    Madeleine Foley is employed full time as a senior SLP in a level 1 trauma center in the Bronx and works per diem in acute rehab and subacute rehab settings. They are passionate about facilitating person-centered and accessible approaches to dysphagia rehabilitation across the continuum of care. Madeleine is a New York Medical College graduate, 4-time ASHA ACE award recipient, and S.T.E.P mentor.

    Disclosure Statements

    Financial: Rachael receives a salary as an SLP at a Level 1 Trauma/Transplant Hospital. Rachael is receiving an honorarium for her presentation.

    Non-financial: Rachael is a member of ASHA.

    Financial: Madeleine receives a salary as a senior SLP in a level 1 trauma center. Madeleine is receiving an honorarium for their presentation.

    Non-financial: Madeleine is a member of ASHA. 

    ASHA requires participation in the CEU Registry to receive CEUs. If you are not part of ASHA’s CEU Registry, the Certificate of Completion will serve as documentation for ASHA CMHs.

    ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.

    Interested in sponsoring this event? Please consider partnering with us for this worthwhile experience. If you have any questions, contact our office at 781-647-7031 or by email at

    • 01 Feb 2025
    • 12:00 AM
    • 28 Feb 2025
    • 11:59 PM
    • Self-Study

    Integrating Interpreters and Language Translation into Your Practice

    February 1-28, 2025

    Members: $10

    Non-Members: $60

    Program materials will be distributed via email February 1, 2025


    One in every five adults use a language other than spoken English in the home. Furthermore, 8% of the United States population has limited English proficiency (LEP). When considering health literacy, this barrier is magnified. At least half of those with LEP are identified as having low health literacy. LEP can negatively impact an individual’s ability to understand and use health information to make informed decisions about their care. Appropriate use of language interpreters in the medical setting can improve care given to non-English speakers and those with LEP. This session addresses the laws and ethical standards regarding interpreter use, qualifications of interpreters, and appropriate methods of communication via interpreters.

    Emily Jo Venskytis

    Learner Outcomes

    1. Summarize laws related to the use of interpreters in the healthcare setting.

    2. Analyze the interpreter offerings in their current practice with considerations for variance in health literacy.

    3. Demonstrate effective and culturally appropriate techniques when working with interpreters.

    Time-Ordered Agenda

    10:00 -10:05 am: Introduction and why use Interpreters?

    10:05 - 10:10 am: Terminology

    10:10 - 10:20 am: Health Literacy and Limited English Proficiency

    10:20 - 10:30 am: Laws related to Interpreter use

    10:30 - 10:35 am: Who is an appropriate Interpreter?

    10:35 - 10:40 am: Who is not an appropriate interpreter

    10:40 -10:45 am: What if an Interpreter is refused?

    10:45 - 10:50 am: Cost and modalities of interpreters

    10:50 - 10:55 am: How to work with Interpreters

    10:55 - 11:05 am: Interpreter scenarios and videos

    11:05 - 11:15 am: Conclusion

    11:15 - 11:30 am: Q+A

    About the Presenter

    Emily Jo Venskytis, AuD, is Director of Clinical Education and Assistant Professor for the Doctor of Audiology program at the MGH Institute of Health Professions. Additionally, she serves as a clinical audiologist at Massachusetts Eye and Ear in the Charlestown office. She enjoys training the next generation of audiologists in mindful, patient-centered and evidence-based practice. Dr. Venskytis is passionate about pediatric care and has extensive clinical experience on inter-professional teams. Her areas of interest include diagnostics for difficult-to-test patients, electrophysiology, audiologic management including cochlear implants, bone anchored devices, and hearing aids, and community outreach for underserved populations.

    Disclosure Statements
    Financial: Emily Jo Venskytis receives a salary from MGH Institute of Health Professionals and Mass Eye and Ear.
    Non-Financial: Emily Jo Venskytis serves on the Scientific Advisory and Research Council for the American Academy of Audiology.

    ASHA requires participation in the CEU Registry to receive CEUs. If you are not part of ASHA’s CEU Registry, the Certificate of Completion will serve as documentation for ASHA CMHs.

    ASHA CE Provider approval and use of the Brand Block does not imply endorsement of course content, specific products, or clinical procedures.

    Interested in sponsoring this event? Please consider partnering with us for this worthwhile experience. If you have any questions, contact our office at 781-647-7031 or by email at

Education listings are free of charge for MSHA members and non-profit organizations. Others interested in including an event listing here are welcome to explore our advertisement options. To include your education program on the MSHA website, email the office at

Vision Statement

The Massachusetts Speech-Language-Hearing Association will be recognized as an authority and resource in the fields of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology by legislative bodies, related professional associations and consumers.

© Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association

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Massachusetts Speech-Language Hearing Association
60 Hickory Dr, Suite 6100, Waltham, MA 02451

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